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A small piece of sky

Performance, 2015

By working specifically with the site’s particular terrain and flows, a sensorial exchange is generated between dancers and the elements. As the mylar inflatables activate through the forces of wind, rain and humidity they assume a kind of presence, motivating the dancers to sense, watch, herd, and cajole their movements. The wind becomes the choreographer as a landscape blending performers, objects and terrain emerges in felt time, where presence and place resonate in a continuously negotiated relationship. 

Choreography: Prophecy Sun & Mireille Rosner; Performers: Prophecy Sun, Mireille Rosner, Robert Leveroos and Darcy McMurray. Inflatables designed and constructed by Meghan Rosner (based on original vision by prOphecy sun); Photography: Reese Muntean; Technical assistance provided by LocoMotoArts; The Dance Centre’s Choreography Walk (Dance in Vancouver), November 19 & 21, 2015.

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